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I have read the book of Corrie ten Boon a few years ago but today virtual tour is making her story more alive ! I was moved tremendously by the presence of holy spirit when Mike Evan mentioned my visit of this site and especially when he mentioned, Room of Liberation. My tears just came down again and again like the shower of rain. GOD has a plan for everyone in many ways for us to reach out to his children. I am grateful to Corrie ten Boon for preaching FORGIVENESS, it is not easy if you do not have Jesus in you., especially for Corrie, she truly has JESUS in her. RSP Corrie and thank you for showing us.
Betty from Malaysia
thank you so much for this virtual tour. Corrie continues to be an inspiration. Truly, this is one testimony of the Lord's Goodness that needs to be kept alive.
Lyn from United States
I have been privileged to have a library of Christian films for rental to churches since 1968 until videos took over. The Hiding Place was among them. The museum is a wonderful continuing ministry of this dedicated family.WSNLE
Roger from United States
The story of Corrie Ten Boom has impacted my life. My family has been and will always be praying for the peace of Jerusalem we stand with the Jewish People and will continue to do so until the Lord Returns!
Sandra from United States
Thank you for your work in continuing the knowledge of what Christ has done through the ten Boom family.
Debra from United States
Dear Dr. Mike Evans, I hope this website for The Hiding Place will impact many lives to love the Jews and pray for theirs and all peoples to come to know Yeshua,Jesus Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) the only hope for everlasting peace. A Jerusalem Prayer Team member. Shalom Shalom!!!!!!!!
Roger from United States
Thank you for bringing stories to light that make us be the kind of people that you desire us to be. I do stand with Israel and pray for your protection over them. We all need to be challenged daily to reach deep inside ourselves and find the person that our God has designed us to be and know this, with His help we will become that person and what a change this world will see. God bless and keep you till we meet again.
sharon from United States
I've been really ecixted to see PV's mentality change just in the past year from bringing people INTO the church, to encouraging the church to go OUT. This year for Christmas, rather than doing the same Christmas program its done for over a decade, we've themed this Christmas Christmas to GO (picture a chinese to-go box as the image . Everyone in the Northland who has ever wnted to see The Singing Christmas Tree has come to PV to see it EXCEPT those who are homeless or in prison. So where are we taking the message of Christ? To the homeless and to prisons. I'm pretty ecixted about this I think this is one small way we see the Kingdom of God expanding in a real, and practical way.
Sorem from lQUpGuRWT
Blessings to each of you all in the Ten Boom Family and to Corrie for your valient efforts all your years after your releaase to spread the word. I am 54 years old but I remember reading this remarkable and inspiring book when I was just a young girl. I remember the impact it had on me then. God transends everyone and everything to provide His people with His love and peace. Prayers to Jewish people everywhere.
Susan from United States
First watched the movie, THE HIDING PLACE in 1976 with my church in Maryland. Loved it then and love it now....especially the music. As the quote goes; "we must never forget, because history will repeat itself."
ter from United States
Philippians 4:7 New International Version (NIV) 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. The times ahead for all of us are about to change. May we all find peace and Gods grace in even the most horrific of circumstances. Matthew 24:13 New International Version (NIV) 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
Colleen from United States
I pray for Israel and for every person in this beautiful world God has given us. I pray for peace around the world. Thank you Dear Lord Sweet Jesus. Amen.
Karen from United States
Please pray for the United States. Thank you for this video. I felt the presence of God strongly throughout the whole story.
Janet from United States
Corrie's book, The Hiding Place, was the first Christian themed book I read after asking the Lord to be my savior at age 13. The Ten Boom families testimony has stayed with me all these years and has encouraged me in my walk with Christ. Whenever I struggle to forgive I'm reminded of Corrie's testimony. Thank you for creating this website. It was a pleasure to pass through each room in your video presentation. I feel as if I've toured it in person, something I wish I could do in person. Thank you for this blessing. God Bless you for the work you've done with the museum and this website. May God's face continue to shine upon the Jewish people.
Christine from United States
Thank you. The virtual tour was a blessing. I have appreciated and remembered much of Corrie ten Boom's testimony for several decades now, and am sharing it with my children now.
Jori from United States
God bless you Dr. Mike Evans and all those involoved creating this awesome virtual masterpiece of The Corrie Ten Boom Story of The Hiding Place!!!! May the glory of the secret prayer room live on!!!
Christine from United States
Wonderful lives of love and forgiveness for all of us to live by.Thank you..
Linda from United States
Such a wonderful follower of our Savior. I look forward to meeting her and her family. Such a blessing to see God's hand at work in a persons life.
Donald from United States
The story of Corrie Ten Boone has blessed my life. My prayers are with the people of Israel who gave the world our Savior!
Dan from United States
May the lord protect Israel people always, and may their never be another holocaust amen.
CATHERINE from United States
Thank you very much for this opportunity!
Elvis from Canada
Blessed, I' will be praying.
Carmen from Puerto
Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that drmaes are rare. I seldom think about my drmaes being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through drmaes because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think
Leuzi from OHmmpHllNi
Thank you. I have so much to learn and I thank God for heroes like Corrie and her family.
Terri from United States
Hello One and All
Paul from United States
God Bless your efforts to bring the Gospel to the world and to the Jews. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob take veil from the Jewish people's eyes and awaken the remnant church in these last days (Heb 10:10-25). For the Jewish people - check Rabbi Kaduri (Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri Reveals Yeshua is Messiah Stephen Hatton
Stephen from Australia
Love Israel.Love Corrie Ten Boom. I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem every day.
Shirl from United States
very inspiring...
Henry from United States
God Bless The Jewish people and I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and God Bless Israel. I pray we have the strength and wisdom of the ten Boom's if we should be called of God to help whoever needs us.
Deb from United States
Praying God's blessings on you as you faithfully serve our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Barbara from United States
GEORGE from United States
What a wonderful story! I've known about Corrie for many years. I remember seeing her on the 700 Club. Such a loving, giving woman. Thank you for making this web site, so that many people are able to "visit" where it all happened. My prayers for the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel. These are terrible days, Hamas is firing rockets into Israel. I pray that Hamas will keep the agreement of peace that has just been agreed to today. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Linda from United States
This is an amazing story filled with so much sorrow, but again, so much joy. What a blessing this family was, and how remarkably they were used by GOD. This was my first time reading about Corrie,(I was reading about her on Wikipedia), and her family. I am beyond blessed by their story. Thank you.
Jacqueline from United States
Many years ago now my wife and I were priviledged to give to help with many others to purchase this 'hiding place.' We believed it was the right thing to do so that others might know the story and see the place where all of this had taken place. Today I am happy to witness this virtual museum online and see for the first time the actual inside of the museum. We live in Arkansas in the U.S. and have never had the means to visit it firsthand. Thanks to all who made this possible. Jim & Linda Lewis
What an amazing tour. I read about Corrie ten Boom when I was young and I was sad when my mum told me that she had died a while before. This tour helped me see a little bit more. Thanks
Jennifer from New
I am looking forward to visiting the museum in May of 2012. Such graces!
Pat from United States
Oh my God, incline your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by Your name; for we are not presenting our supplications before You on account of any merits of our own, but on account of Your great compassion. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay; because Your city and Your people are called by Your name. - Daniel: 9:18-19. Please Lord let not Israel be deceived as my country is deceived. There is only one God and one Messiah who can bring peace to Israel and to the world. Jesus forgive us and have mercy on us for Your names sake. Let Your people call upon Your Holy Name and make our hearts right with you. Let us return to "One Nation Under God" that we as a nation will be blessed as we love and support Your chosen people Israel and the apple of Your eye, Jerusalem.
Sharon from United States
The Ten Boom family are an inspiration. Their testimony of the faithfulness of God even in the midst of extreme evil is one that I pray will inspire followers of Christ today. We pray for Israel already, and will continue to do so. It is unlikely that we would ever be able to physically visit the Ten Boom home, so this is a wonderful opportunity to see and hear how God used the Ten Boom family and their home to rescue nearly 800 Jewish souls. Blessings on those who did the work to create this project.
Gareth from United States
I loved the tour of the Corrie Ten Boom Museum and surrounding area. I read the Hiding Place when I was a young woman and I was in awe of Corrie and her family. I grew up in the 70's so I never knew such hardship and their strength through Christ was inspirational and showed a side of the Lord that I adore, forgiveness and the courage only He can give us to forgive because as His children we must. I pray for Israel and the Jews and that we in America will stay faithful to them. God Bless....
Selina from United States
My heart sings with excitment when I discoverd this website. I will share this, and I will pray for the peace of Jeruselem untill the Lord comes to set up His Kingdom. How I love God's People !!
Sandra from Canada
; message & prayer...I cried as I listened on my virtual tour, of the Corrie Ten Boom story of the Hiding Place. I want to know this deep abiding love that Corrie found, I pray God will help me find this love. The trials and tribulations this family went through with a faith so strong, their story touched my heart, deeply. I thank them and will keep them in my prayers for they have changed a world just by believing. I am awe the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...Amen
Catherine from United States
Thanks so much for this website! I loved going through the Museum. Corrie and Betsie are such great inspirations! Their unshaking faith is incredible. Reading her book 'The Hiding Place' was such a humbling experience.
'Amore from United States
This is one of the most inspirational stories of Christ-like love that I've seen. A beautiful story.
Bill from United States
Thank you for this virtual tour of the Ten Boom home and the history of this wonderful and amazing family God has used to shed His message of love and forgiveness to all. I will be praying for Israel and the Jews.
barbara from United States
May God bless you for showing this to the world. May God bless Jerusalem and Israel. I stand with Israel.I am Israel.
Scott from United States
Thank you for telling the story of Corrie and her family! And for telling of the love of Jesus Christ!
Christine from United States
Caroline from United States
Blessings for your work and my prayers are with the people of Israel. I have admired the courage of the Jewish people since I was 16 and read Anne Frank. I never thought I would live to see this horrible part of history about to repeat itself. I pray everyday I will be as brave as the TenBoom Family. They are amazing! Blessings Donna USA/California
Donna from United States
blessings to all who keep the evangelizing and work of corrie ten boom...jesus is victor!
soraya from Netherlands
Many years ago I had seen The Hiding Place movie. Brought me to tears and today I stumbled on this and now in tears again. Thank you. This is a reminder to me that God is truly with us no matter what we go through. God bless the Ten Boom family, Mike Evans, and all who have worked to put this tour together. I have been praying for Israel and will continue to do so until Christ returns.
Amanda from United States