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I have been a fan of Corrie ten Boom's writings and beliefs. I too have a heavy heart for Jerusalem and the Jewish people. I pray my Father to protect and give them the peace that only you can provide. I pray too that You will open their minds and hearts to become belivers in Your Son, Jesus Christ the Messiah so that they can experience Your ultimate Love and Grace that is waiting for each of them. Amen
Sharon from United States
God bless and keep you - always.
Scott from United States
God is Love
Susanna from United States
Thank you so much for the virtual tour. What an inspiring story that teaches how God can work all things out for good if we love and trust in Him.
Deborah from United States
Dios es Fiel!!
Nallely from Republica
I think this is amazing! It's amazing what God can do!!!
Megan from Canada
Muchas gracias por acercanos mas a lo que fue la vida de esta ejemplar hermana en Cristo!! Tengo 19 a�os y me siento desafiada con la vida que tuvo Corrie,su valentia y fuerza que tuvo y que solo la saco del Se�or , me alienta a hacer lo mismo, muchas son las dificultades, pero DIOS las librara de todas ellas. Y asi lo hizo con Corrie y tantos que sobrevivieron para dar gloria a Dios. Orare por la paz de Jerusalem, es muy bueno que se siga haciendo, e incentivando, tambien seria bueno que lo hagamos por cada pais.Saludos a la Hermandad..Desde Argentina, Debi
Debora from Argentina
Why is anyone tnkilag about pathetic failure of religous beliefs? You might as well wallow in the dirt like some ignorant savages. The time for being controlled slaves is 100 years ago. So not fall victim to magic and bullshit.No-religion is the one defining thing that the red communists got correct!
Algeel from PmVxIeEiRyQqJbX
The ten Boom family are an inspiration and true servants of our Savior. I pray for their amazing faith and strength if I am to face this horror. Israel, I love you!
Kirsten from United States
I am moved by the ten Boom family's love for God and God's chosen people. Blessed be God in you. Blessed be God for your legacy to mr, to the world. Pray for us from heaven that we may trust in the Divine Mercy of God and forgive with His Love. Thank you for this blessed toyr. What a gift.
Maria from United States
I had already come accross this movie before through the ministry of Billy Graham about 14 years ago. But today its speaks to me volumes about how we need to continue to pray for the Jewish people G-d's chosen people who face anti-semitism speacially when things start to go wrong in a country. My prayer is that Christians will wake up to the reality that the Jewish people face and we will join together and pray unceasingly for their well being and safety. I personally have become a Messianic Jew and i have a better understanding of Jews and what they have gone through.
Rocio from United States
Thank you for the refresher - I read the book long ago and was moved deeply to seek THAT living God. May we stand now in love and integrity.
Pam from United States
What a wonderful and inspiration family the Ten Booms were. Such faith in the lord !
Robyn from Australia
The works of God are perfect. If God with us, who against us.
Miriam from CT
God bless you and prosper the work that He has called you to do for His glory, His renown, so the world will see and know that HE alone is LORD.
Barbara from United States
Corrie Ten Boom has always been an inspiration to me. Her story is one of the first books I remember reading as a child.
Britney from United States
I am so grateful for this virtual tour! I followed Corrie's stories after recieving Christ. I have read her books and seen the movie, The Hiding Place. I read "In My Father's House" a long time ago and was so very blessed by this story. The life and journey of Corrie and her family have been a source of encouragment for me over the years...of God's truths, and the true blessings that come from above as we put our trust in Him, and abide in Him ~ many thanks, I am blessed <3 May the Lord richly bless you ~ I wish that I could go there in person and experience this, but since I am not..I thank you that I have been blessed by this amazing virtual tour! Praying for Israel/jerusalem and God's people ~
Mariane from United States
I thank God for people like the ten Booms that have left such a legacy and an example of how to serve God and love others. I pray for the people of the Lord and His proctection over His people. May the work of the Lord continue through this legacy and I pray for all of those who are involved in keeping this Foundation alive. God bless you.
Gloria from United States
My husband was born in Harlem.I have had the privilege of visiting Harlem and staying there, first in a pension and the second time with his sisters and his mother.I didn't get to visit the Corrie ten Boom museum so the virtual tour was fascinating
margaret from Australia
I thank God for Corrie and her family.I have not read her book or seen the Film But i will look forwards to watching it An i will Look out for the book to read an since watching the story of Corrie and seeing were it all took place has give me A great need to come To Holland to see this beautiful Museum of love an hope compassion for all life Wow !!! So glad i clicked on this link to day Thank you Corrie An Family!! For This Wonderful Story An in site To our lord God Above I have known a little of the story ! but not in great detail ! So i look fwd to finding out more. God Bless Each An every one of us ! Love peace light always Linda Xxx
linda from United Kingdom
Thank you Lord for your continued blessings over the Jewish people and Jewish nation.
Janice from United States
I have just gone through the virtual museum. I am very impressed. Great job and very informative and well done. I had the privilege of seeing Corrie in Hawaii when the movie, the Hiding Place came there. I had read the book and it had a big impact on my walk. I have given it away and used it many times, especially to show just what forgiveness can do for someone. To be able to forgive like this, and continue to live for Christ, is one of my inspirations even today.
Mark from United States
Thank God for the Tenboom family and all the others who did their part. So many good people survived because of them. Let us pray that all of us can stand as one against evil where ever we find it. God bless you all.
Larry from United States
I was so impressed when I read this book many years ago.
Julanne from United States
The members of the ten Boom family are the epitomy of walking like Jesus walked and talking like Jesus talked. My prayer is simply that we can all do the same. My dream is now to visit this awesome place that our Lord created. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you all!!!
Lana from United States
We sat with our 11 yr old and watched The Hiding Place. Our son had many questions as the movie played. We tried to answer them through our tears. Great courage and faith by the Ten Boom family.
Jackie from United States
Found this on facebook, and enjoyed it very much. Thank you and bless you!
Davienne from United States
It's great to follow the virtual museum. I knew Corrie ten Boom from her books. She was the first I hear about when I came to Crist.
Ine from Netherlands
Corrie has always been a "heroine" of mine! I know she would not like to be referred to as "heroine", but I know her reward is great, and I am looking forward to meeting her and spending time with her when I get to heaven.
Sue from United States
The Ten Boom family's history is amazing! The way that the two sisters, corrie and betsy found to be used for God is an example for all Christians.
Andressa from Brazil
I've read the book "The Hiding Place" and filled my heart with Jesus' love and brought memories from my childhood. My mother was a catholic and loved jews, and my father though was christian by conviction, he wasn't converted and had Hitler's thoughts toward the Jews, and was pretty cruel with us, his children, but my mother taught me to love Jews because they're the people of God, and I received many beatings because of this, from my father... When I grew up I gave my life and will to Jesus, and became a true christian. I had to forgive my father, and also my brother who became a satanist and tried to kill me a couple of times. I still pray for him, but the Lord gave me the wisdom to live far from him and pray for his salvation, without looking circumstances. My mother had a vision in the 70's she saw Jerusalem burning and a voice said "The sky cries, Jerusalem burns" and saw the word "zire" in a corner, written in heaven and blood raining from the sky. I thought many times about this vision. I just pray, for the peace of Jerusalem... I know Jesus comes soon but the tribulation is already seen in his people... the church... and my heart suffer when I pray for the Jews and also for those who don't know Jesus yet... I think as Betsy... We must love enemies and ask the Lord to see them with His eyes, think about them with His mercyful and righteous mind and love them with His true Love Heart,with compassion, they don't know what they do...
Roc from Argentina
thank you for sharing the Corrie Ten Boom story, her and her family were truly angels sent from the Father.
Patti from United States
What a wonderful family serving a wonderful God.
Rhonda from United States
I read The Hiding Place many years ago and have never forgotten it. I was (and still am) so blessed and inspired by the ten Booms. I just discovered this website today. Taking the virtual tour of the Beje was so wonderful, and to be able to see the actual room where they hid the Jews is truly amazing! Thank you for making this possible.
April from United States
I feel so BLESSED to be a part of the Jerusalem Prayer Team. What a Honor it is ...knowing that I am a small part of this wonderful Team. I am taking a STAND FOR the ISRAEL people ( JEW'S) an I am so Grateful for all involved.. I sent in a small donation an you should receive it soon. It's not much but it was all I had. But I am Standing with you in PRAYER for Jerusalem, the CAPITAL OF ISRAEL for SAFETY and PEACE.I am Looking Up Waiting for our LORD'S return!!! I do Believe he's Coming Soon. Thank you for All you do. May GOD Bless You!!!! thank you SHERI BISHOP (ALEXANDER)
SHERI from United States
Learned of ten boom as a child, but what she endured never hit home till recently. She truly set an example for all of us and I'd love to be able to shake her hand and thank her for showing us just how important the gospel really is.
carol from United States
Watched the movie The Hiding Place. One day i will go to england to see the Corrie Ten Boom house.
Adriana from United States
I am so thankful that Corrie Ten Boon survived. It is sad that she lost her family in such a horrible way. It is important that people do remember that Nazi Germany did happen and that they did slaughter thousands and thousands of Jewish people.
Ann from United States
Ik heb in febr. 2014 uw museum bezocht. Zeer indrukwekkende en moedige mensen die voor anderen hun leven in de waag stelden.! Wat een moed. Vind dat maar.
Edwin from Frankrijk
God is with you Israel and No one can stand against you. I will continue to pray for your people. Rick
Rick from United States
When you have this type of experience with God, nothing in your life is the same. Thank you very much for this amazing museum. My desire is follow everyday to Jesus and preach the gospel to every tribe, tongue and nation. The family Ten Boom is an inspiration for me.
Karinna from Chile
Corrie tem Boom and her percious family have been so amazing and I have never forgotten her story since I first heard of her. I can't remember the name of the book, it was small and green; hard cover... but the inside is what I can't forget! I thank the Lord for people like her and her family, I am so greatful for the "train ticket" story as well as the tapestry. God Bless you all and God bless Isreal. Sincerely, Judy
Judy from America
Esta ? a hist?ria mais incr?vel que eu j? conheci na minha vida,Gl?ria a Deua por esta fam?lia.
leila from Brazil
Wow what an amazing legacy to leave behind for us all as an example of God's faithfulness to those who love Him with all their hearts. Truly this family's courage and bravery could only have come from God. I have yet to watch "The Hiding Place" and only came across Corrie's amazing journey through my son's homework assignment. Thank you Father God for allowing us to share in your precious gifts of Corrie and her family.
Marjorie from New
I am inspired by this ladies faith I pray I will grow in faith and share Gods love I commit myself to pray for the Jews and the peace of Jerusalem every day
Hazel from United States
In my closet i always pray for my country the Philippines, but we always declared every 12pm or noon everyday that we should shout 3X GOD BLESS ISRAEL AND THE PEOPLE LIVED IN JERUSALEM. I dont know that God moves mightily in that place and hope so God continued to rescue His people the remnant of his people and to proclaim God's Victory.
RODRIGO from Manila
Wow!...I am amazed by the virtual tour and story that is made online. It is great to see and makes the story come of Corrie ten Boom come to life. I have been to Haarlem to visit the Corrie ten Boom Huis in 2008 and just want to say that the virtual tour makes it real, just as if I were in the huis today. I think it is great how you want to share Corrie's story in the best way possible for those who cannot visit the huis. I will definently share this virtual tour with others.
Kara from The
After viewing "The Hiding Place on GBTV, I wept, with sorrow and with joy. Thank you for sharing your story. God Bless you and your works.
James from United States
I pray for all Christians and Jews all over the world to come together at this terrible time in Israel for God's protection on their land and the strength for his people there to endure.I have loved Corrie many years and she is one of the reasons I am today a Christian who tries to follow her example .
Pat from United States
It is an honor to join you in this spiritual defense of Israel! The virtual museum tour is beautifully done, with a lot of pure love. Thank you for this pure gift of education, and Christlike service, love, and kindness.
Dian from United States