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This has been a awesome tour. It has given strength to my heart and soul. I love the Jewish people. I have shared it, with prayer, that others will watch this also. That others will know the peace that only Jesus Christ can give them, because He covered us with His blood. Blessings to you. Linda
Linda from United States
Thank You for sharing the ten Boom's story, so inspirational, also love the movie, God is good....
Lisa from United States
it"s so good to see this museam i want to see this museam when i have time i want it to see gr,peter god bless
peter from Netherlands
When I meet our Lord, if I am worthy, I would love to sit with Papa Ten Boom and his family over a cup of tea and a warm fire and rejoice in the new life we will live. I have shared this family's testimony with others and it has transformed my life and heart for those who would do me wrong. I pray that their suffering and love for others will serve as an example of the compassion, mercy and love that Christ has for us.
Christie from United States
What a privilege to put my name in this register. When I was a child I was given the book "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom. It changed and impacted my life forever. Since that introduction I have reread that book nearly every year and each time walk away more blessed. Corrie managed to touch my life with her words about her faith through such despair.Our Heavenly father used her faith and commitment to Jesus Christ and gave me such inspiration and blessed me beyond measure. I look forward each day to seeing the devotional readings and each day God still uses Corrie to bless my life and hopefully pass it on to others.
Amber from United States
May Our Lord Jesus Christ give great Peace and comfort to the hearts and mind of His people in these days of great distress. Genesis 49:10
Corrie's many books and words of faith, have often been used by the Lord to awaken my faith. And I know I am only one of millions. Praise be to the Lord!!
Marijo from United States
Ten Boom is Great!!! I respect you.
Tom from South
I am a firm lover of the Jews. They are God's chosen people. Anything I can do to help. Iam all in. I love everybody especially the Jews. I pray for their safety and deliverance from all of their enemies. May Jesus forever protect them is my prayer. I am all in with the Jews.
adric from United States
The virtual tour really shows that we as Christians should be sacrificial in all that we do. That we should always forgive no matter what and even restore the relationship that was broken. We have to not only Love in Words but in deeds also. Thank God for the sacrifice of His Son to us. So in turn we can be a light to the world and love and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. What an awesome testimony the Ten Booms were to us.
Kelly from Canada
Corrie and Betsy have been inspirations for me for many years. They are in my prayers as are the safety and peace of God's Chosen people, the Jews.
Nancy from United States
Our hearts are broken by the act of evil and insanity that has taken the life of so many children in Ct. I look to Corrie's life and her example. Through her example I understand the teachings of Christ and find hope there.
Paul from United States
Thank you for your courage and love for the Jewish people.
Jenny from United States
The courage of the Ten Boom family during that dark period of history is a shinning light to the world today that Faith in God and Prayer changes things.
Roger from United States
Corrie ten Boom remains a great teacher. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and his people is not hard to do if you have Jesus in your life.
Joyce from Holland
Thank you so very much for sharing the Ten Boom story, via the internet. While watching the video, listening and looking at and into every nook and cranny, I was so truly and deeply blessed. Know and living like God each day - doing what was very much a mission from Jesus - they lived by faith and had great courage, wisdom and strength. God does not give us any more than we can bear and when we can't bear anymore, He gives us a way out so that we can stand under it. Thank You Jerusalem Prayer team - thank you Ten Boom family and most of all, thank You dear God, precious Jesus and Holy Spirit. May these days and those to come be ones that we give our LORD and Savior, our God, all the praise, glory and honor.
Sandy from United States
Although I know the story of the Holocaust and the story of Corrie ten Boom and her family I was greatly moved by the video tour. I am a teacher and plan to show it to my students to teach about the Holocaust. Thank you for such a wonderful rendition and tour. It would wonderful to see the museum in person.
I first heard the story of the Ten Boom family as a young teen in the 1970's- it fascinated me then as it AGAIN fascinates me in 2012! What an AWESOME and ALMIGHTY GOD we worship, yes?! An amazing story of faith and trust in God the Father!! Especially under such horrific circumstances as the Ten Boom's faced in the camps. My prayers and love go out to survivors and families of the Holocaust, and also to the Jewish people, God's chosen.
William from United States
What an so needed at this time of darkness thoughout the world. We need heros and I choose Corrie and her family to remind me there is light over darkness, good over evil. I pray for the strength and amazing faith the ten Boom family found in God's loving word. May I have the courage to stand today beside the Jewish people in another hour of need. May God be with us one and all.
Kathie from United States
Ive read Crries books over the years and its amazing to see the house fully restored and the area where so much happened for the Ten Boom family. Its surprising that so many Jewish people escaped the Nazi invasion due to the diligence of Corrie and her family. Beautifully presented and well done. I never realised that she was an administrative error at the death camps and Gods intervention saved her so she could tell this story to the world
Ken from Australia
My heart is full and I give Praise to the God I serve for the love of the Ten Boom family. Thank you Lord and Bless your Holy Name.
Kathy from United States
I read the Hiding Place as a teen aver when it first came out. It had a big impact on my life and I was awed at the TenBoom family's love and braveness to help the Jewish people, put their own lives on the line and have complete trust in the Lord. Corrie TenBoom is a Hero and we need more heros's like her today!
Debbie from United States
Its amazing what God can do no matter what one is going through.
David from United States
I have read all of Corrie's books. It all started with The Hiding Place in high school and I couldn't stop with just that one. What a BRAVE family. We could use so many more like them. One of these days I will get to visit the museum. Rita
Rita from United States
I read the Ten Boom famiy's story several years ago. It made a deep impression on my life. It helps us remember that no matter how much evil is in this world, God's love is greater and it is in that love where we find the victory over that evil. The strength of the Ten Booms came from their knowledge of the Word of God. Without that, they would not have had the faith that they needed to do the things that God asked of them. There is only one story of love and hope that trumps this beautiful story and that is the story of what Jesus did for us on the cross. God bless His people...both the Jews and the Christians. Thank you so much.
Susan from United States
I'm so glad to see this website. The further the world turns away from God the more people need to learn about people like the Ten Booms. Their stories must not be forgotten.
Claire from United States
The story of the entire Ten Boom family continues to inspire countless people and their families. My prayer is that when it comes time for me to make a stand for Christ that I will do so no matter what the cost to me will be! To include my death if necessary!
Julie from United States
Corry is an example. Learning to forgive and listen to the voice of the Lord. She did.But the Lord did it in her.
Martina from Netherlands
I never grow tired of hearing this beautiful story of the Ten Boom's and Corrie's desire to spread the Word of God and the importance of forgiveness. This is the first time that I have visited this website and am very impressed with the virtual tour. What an amazing footprint this leaves on behalf of the Ten Boom's and their ministry. God Bless !
Karen from United States
Hi Corrie :o), I hope to meet you & chat with you about your great heart one day, over there, on the other side. You have truly showed what it means to be a prisoner of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Monika from Poland
As a young girl I was blessed to hear Sister Corrie speak in our home town. She left me with a yearning to give fearlessly to God.
Juanita from United States
Thank you for this wonderful virtual tour. I remember going to the movie theater as a young girl to watch the Hiding Place. Her story has impacted my life, what a beautiful woman of God. Also, my parents had the chance to hear hear speak at Praise Gathering in Indianapolis, Indiana in the late seventies. God Bless you and your ministry! Janeen
Janeen from United States
I had no idea the hiding place was just a small hole in the wall. Anne Frank was in a palace by comparison. I will most likely never get to see this house, and want to thank you so much for creating this virtual walk through. It is an awesome tour. Now I need to do it again so I can hear the tour guide instead of being distracted by looking around the room. Shalom 8-23-11
Carl from United States
I remember Ms.Ten Boom and she was remarkable she visited my church when I was 16. 1976 and I just praise God for her and her family and people to take on the things they did for others I just recently found my book i had by her, and been looking anything I can about her and her Family. Looking forward to getting other books. I did see the movie,god bless her Legacy. Thank you Jesus.
Rebecca from Richmond
Just finished the movie. What a deep and meaningful experience as people struggle to find what is real today... I am inspired to always temper my feelings , even when I cannot control my circumstances.
Jerret from Canada
I read the hiding place years ago and was just thinking about the ten Booms.
I appreciate the opportunity to see the Corrie ten Boom Museum. I have read her books since childhood and was inspired throughout my life by the writings of Corrie ten Boom. She has strengthened my faith in God, and led me to study my Bible as a result of her shared faith in God and the love of Jesus Christ.
Kelley from United States
I read the Hiding Place for the first time when I was in high school....I still have the copy and have reread this book a thousand times....truly amazing what this woman and her sister through....God Bless them both for showing the rest of the world that things aren't as bad in our own life and that to see the brighter side of life...with the help of and faith in God...I wish I could have talked to her....
Mary from United States
I first found out about corrie and her family when my friend gave me a book of corrie's to read, The Hiding Place and then I watched the movie of it. God does the most amazing things, I think sometime we are so blessed to know god and it is people like corrie and her family that show me we can do anything with gods help.
Sheree from Christchurch
God bless God's chosen people.How wonderful to know God's promises still are for today,if only we would claim them!
Jane from United States
I love the Jewish people and will pray for peace!!!I also have a close Jewish friend who inspires me every time she talks to me.God Bless.
Kornelia from United States
I had the great privilage of meeting Corrie ten boom in the 1970's. Ihave also read and been inspired by her story.
Joy from United States
That was a beautiful. It is such a beautiful place. God's presence could be felt.
Laura from United States
God bless those who sacrificed to save others. Laying down your life for fellow man is a wonderful act of love.
Michelle from United States
I saw the movie the Hiding place and was so touched at the Ten Booms sisters faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I too pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Pamela from United States
my favorite lines from BOOM... "God does not have problems. Only plans." "There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still."
michael from uae
Thank you for all your efforts to share Corrie's message. I did come at a time when my heart was full of hate and anger towards a man who abused me physically and emotionally, and even attempted to kill me. My life is so changed because of the things he did to me. I prayed last night for help to deal with these feelings and be able to move forward and be happy, and not express my hatred. And I was led to this beautiful website and museum, and mostly, the message that I can forgive, and be happy. Thank you so much!
Julie from United States
I pray that if this generation is called upon to be an Esther or a Corrie, we will do so with the same brave faith they showed us. May the love Christians have for the Jews destroy the hatred in this world for the Jews. I have always taught my children love is more powerful than hate. Let us pray for the Jews as the Muslims plan the destruction of both the USA and Israel. Let us pray for the salvation of all, even our enemies and prove we really do love Christ. God Bless this work. The world needs reminders and repentance and revival. Shalom.
Pamella from United States
I pray and hope for peace of Jerusalem. May Israel be a light in world again.
Cristina from United States
Im glad that I read about 'The Hiding Place'. It really effected the way I thought about the Holocaust. At first I thought the Holocaust wasn't a big deal, but ever since I've read about it in school, I want to learn more about what happened and see how people got through the tough times. I'm glad that Corrie shared her story and taught us about how important it is to be close to God and not give up on faith and hope.
Lydia from United States