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Thank you for this site. I loved all Corrie's books and her audio sermons at To God be the Glory!
Renato from Italy
My class is reading this book in school and it is a very informational book! It is also very interesting!
Sadie from United States
I have read "The Hiding Place" several times, and am now reminded to re-read it, and other books which I did not know were available until now. I HAVE read "Tramp for the Lord" as well. I found the link to the Ten Boom Museum on Facebook, and am so thankful that I did. This site reminds me how important it is to stand by and pray for the people of Israel, and also how God used then-and still uses- people who are willing to step out of their comfort zone, to help others in need. I know of people (many of them supposedly evangelical Christians) who do NOT believe the Holocaust ever happened. When I first heard about this I could hardly believe it. I was taught by both my parents and my church to honor and love the Jews as God's chosen people, and further to realize that God loves ALL of those He created, not just the ones that love Him or are of a certain race, color or creed. The Ten Boom family was the perfect example of doing God's will as well as His unconditional Love for us. Thank God for their wonderful testimony. Let us have the courage to do likewise.
Jennifer from United States
The virtual tour of the museum is the next best thing to being there in person. Thank you so much for this wonderful chance to see the rooms and again experience the story of the ten Booms. Today I feel a renewed faith in the power of forgiveness. Thank you.
Julie from United States
This is a very touching and heartwarming story that reveals the infinite power of God. It teaches us that Christians and Jews can pray and live together in brotherly love, which is the single most important commandment we received from Jesus: to love each other, to love our neighbors, even our enemies however difficult that might be. It is important to note that this story took place in the Netherlands, where another similar series of events developed as recorded in the diary of Anne Frank.
Carlos from Ecuador
Thank you for the virtual tour. What a blessing.
Misti from United States
I pray that the prime minister of Israel will listen to the holy spirit and let the spirit guide him in prayers for the Nation of Israel and the people..IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!!
I have heard about your story many times from many diff. people. Your family is truly an inspiration to all. God bless you,your family and all those who struggle with the trials that God puts before you that we may grow and endure to the end. May we always smile, for when we are smiling, are thoughts are most likely pure.
Robert from United States
Le doy gracias a Dios por mi vida y le pido fuerza
ossimar from Colombia
God be with Israel and please Israel, Just tell the world that you are serving the only true God Jehovah and Jesus our Saviour.
Josaia from Fiji
What a blessing God provided to my heart today when I happened onto this virtual tour of Corrie ten Booms family home and testimony of how God used them to bless the Jews and now to continue to bless all of us around the world. I have been to Israel twice and it has felt like ""home with a constant yearning to return. Since then the Bible has come alive in living 3D color. God has given me a deep love for the Jews, His chosen people. I am saddened that our current administration seems to be turning their backs on Israel when God admonishes us to bless Her. Yes, I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the Jews, that God's hand of protection will continue to cover them. Thank you for all you are doing to keep this story alive and relevant to our present lives.
Maryann from United States
Thank you for creating this virtual tour of the Ten Boom Museum. On a visit to Israel in 2000, I placed a pebble at the base of Corrie's tree at Yad Vashem. It has long been my wish to visit the Beje, in the meantime this online visit was a powerful reminder of the faith of the Ten Boom family.
LeeAnn from United States
Ive read her books and i love them such a blessing
Laurie from Baldwyn
I have been deeply moved by the story of Corrie and Betsy Ten Boom. God blessed my life when I met and got to speak with Corrie while I was a College Student in Tennessee preparing to enter Seminary to become a Christian Minister/Pastor.
John from United States
What a blessings to be able to go through the tour of the Ten Boom house. So many times something I saw in the movie or read in the book-The Hiding Place" has helped me through a crucial time. My husband and I just celebrated our 32 anniversary. Our first date was watching "The Hiding Place". It was an unforgettable night. The tour narration is so well done-sharing some of the pertinent messages interspersed with interesting details and their lives giving us an example to live by, especially with praying for the Jewish. We already have been but this is a reminder to do so even on a daily basis. Thanks for the presentation!
Patricia from United States
I heard Corrie during her lifetime. What is so wonderful is that God will take anyone who is willing to work for His kingdom and use them to transform the lives of others. Corrie's message of forgiveness and the times that it was challenged in her life by those who had persecuted her and her family shows me that when God asks us to do something He also empowers us to do it if we will let Him. God is the only one that can take the terrible atrocities of the Nazi regime and bring someone through it with a message of God's love and forgiveness. Both her dad and her sister and other family members had victory over the racism and hatred that the Nazis spewed out and many years afterward so did Corrie. I'm glad we serve a God who will ultimately cause us all, who have trusted in Christ as our saviour to also triumph over the darkness of this world. I pray we can continue her message of love and forgiveness.
Deny from United States
Her books changed my life! Amazing woman and amazing family! I can't wait to meet Corrie and her family in heaven!
Rachel from United States
I, first, heard about The Hiding Place, when a teacher's aide was reading Corrie's book, while I was a seventh grade student, in 1973. Between 1974 and 1977, I would estimate how I read Corrie's book 20 or 25 times and, when the movie came out, I having been deafened at the age of ten) knew what was going on, without hearing. I even realized that they'd changed the jailhouse scene, where the German guard told Mr. ten Boom he could stay home to the back of the military truck. This is an awe inspiring story and I have always loved it.
Gary from United States
I read the book about Corrie ten Boom's life many years ago but would love to read again. I truly enjoyed this tour for a reminder of how awesome the Lord is when we depend on Him and His Word.
Joy from United States
Greatly inspired by Corrie's heroic story! I had the great joy of meeting her in person at the Graham Studios, where the Hiding Place was produced.
George from United States
I followed a link on facebook and was brought into the Ten Boom home. I have never seen or heard such a witness of faith and I feel blessed to have heard their story. Our Lord is great and wonderful indeed! To transform such a horrible experience into a message of love, forgiveness and hope has touched me deeply. I want to have an unshakable faith as the Ten Boom family. I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit and live a life pleasing to the will of God. Thank you for sharing the story of the Ten Boom family.
Karen from Canada
The story of Corrie Tenboom has been deeply imbedded in my heart for many many years. I always wanted to be able to visit the Tenboom homeplace and through this virtual tour I have been able to do that. My heart is so broken for God's Chosen People and for the current war in Israel against the Hamas terror organization. I pray for her safety and for the peace of Jerusalem daily. My daughter has been doing some research and we believe that we may have some Jewish blood that goes back to Paltinossa, Bucovina, Austria where my maternal great grandparents and their children fled to the United States in 1903. Born Again Christian or of Jewish descent, I only know that my heart belongs to Israel. God bless you for your continued devotion and work for God's people.
Jody from United States
I had the privilege of hearing Corrie speak in person when I was a student at Moody Bible Institute in the early 1970s. Her and her family have been an inspiration to me in my faith journey. Corrie is a true heroine of the faith and I've always hoped and prayed that I would be as bold as the Ten Booms in similar circumstances. I agree that if you love Jesus that you must love the Jewish people. I pray often for the peace of Jerusalem. BTW, the visual tour is awesome and splendidly done.
Donna from United States
Thank you for the virtual tour. God bless the Ten Boom family for all of their sacrifices.
Kimberly from United States
Thank you Ten Boom family!
Rachael from United States
Prayers are offered for the peace of Jerusalem, that all who oppose her will begin to see more clearly. God have mercy om this USA and how she has begun to change morally. Seems that she has sinned so deeply that God must be losing patience with her. I cry out to my people to cease their prideful attitudes and become humble at last.
Janet from United States
I am truely humbled that my Lord has directed my path to the Ten Boom home & to pray "May peace be within you" for the peace and prosperity of the Jewish nation,as this family did. The faith of this family is a testament to the amazing grace that is offered to all who believe. As Corrie stated "The Lord has no problems only plans" for "He Himself is our peace"(ephesians2:14)Dr.Evans this is a wonderful site and moving experience. May the Lord bless you
Heather from United States
I first heard Corrie TenBoom in the early 1970's in southern California when she spoke at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Her testimony is powerful and I was extremely moved when I saw the movie "The Hiding Place" for the first time. My children not only saw the movie, but read the book as well. In light of current world events, continued prayer for the peace of Israel is paramount. I was moved once again by the virtual museum and am indeed praying for the peace of Israel. Maranatha (even so, come Lord Jesus)!
Lynn from United States
When I was a little girl during World War II, my mother told me I was Holland Dutch, a distinction important to her because Pennsylvania Dutch were German! After the war ended and the horrors of the camps were revealed to the world, I couldn't imagine what life must have been like in Holland. Then as an adult I read The Hiding Place and I learned. I fell in love with the Ten Boom family but tried to forget the 2nd World War! In the past few years I have re-read everything I could about Corrie. Pictures of her and her family so resemble my mother's. Her faith in the Lord is a shining example of how He works His purposes. What an amazing role model! And now Mike Evans has, under God's guidance, brought Corrie and her family to life again. How marvelous! She is still ministering in her unique way to a sin-ridden world where evil is rolling over us like a tsunami that will surely usher in the return of our Lord. How wonderful to know Him! To have people like Corrie to show us the way He wants us to live. Thank you so very much, everyone who had a part in establishing the museum and this incredible website!
(Edna from United States
What an inspiring story! It shows the Power of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a picture of what God can do with our lives if we let Him. He has a plan for each of us, and all we have to do is trust Him and give our lives to Him. Thank you for this site and keeping Corrie's message alive to inspire us. God Bless You!
Joy from United States
Shalom, Salaam house of Corrie Ten Boom shalom Israel... Jer 29:11 Psalms 122:6
Devon from United States
It was sooooo awesome i loved every minute of it
xRossssv from United Kingdom
Thank you for this opportunity to unite with the Jewish people and all of Israel in prayer. My heart loves you all very much!!
America needs to hear and heed these lessions.America is on the verge of extension if they keep attacking Christ and not supporting the Jewish Nation
Gary from America
I was only 13 when I first watched the movie 'the Hidding place" from that moment on I fell in love with the Fathers heart in Corrie Ten Boom. How I wish I could have met her. Today in my church office I display one of her biography books as a reminder to be broken before God and pursue the incredible love Corrie lived by. I join in prayer and intercede for Israel;God's beloved people
Shirley from United States
I am looking foward to meeting Corrie and the rest of the ten Boom family in Eternity! I have always admired her faith and her gentle spirit! Thank you so much for this beautiful 'view' of her life and family. We have been praying for Israel and will continue to do so until the return of Christ. I am praying that my children will grow to be faithful to the call to share the Gospel-just like Corrie. She was a Hero of the Faith.
Manissa from United States
One of my personsl heros, Corrie ten Boom.
Bobbi from United States
I have truly been blessed by this virtual tour, learning of the Ten Boom family. It has been an honor to be exposed to such love for God's people. I can surely tell God's blessings are upon this museum and the work that lead up to this time in history. God bless the Corrie Ten Boom's of this world. I don't believe I've seen the movie, but most definitely will. Blessings.
Marshall from United States
Corrie ten Boom has been a blessing to me for years - via her books, the movie, via attending Jeanette Cliff George's Bible studies and by the example of Corrie's life. Many a time when I have faced unpleasant circumstances I recall the Lord's faithfulness and grace which sustained Corrie and so many others. I Praise the Lord for her life but only because HE was so involved. Good people come and go. Some do not know the Lord. Only those who do can lay claim to BECAUSE OF HIM!! I would love to go to Holland and take my own personal virtual tour!
Cheryl from United States
I have fought with anger and when I heard what her sister told her as she was being beat by guards it awaked something in me. My pastor recently went to Israel and I am so thankful that God has placed him in my life as such a time as this. Thank you the tour was amazing and blessing. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.
Angelia from United States
God bless the Tenboom family. May we look to their example to guide us in righteousness and may we be courageous in our defense of Israel.
Rayann from United States
Thank you so much for sharing their home by way of the virtual tour of these special people God used in a great way.
Rebecca from United States
Continue to pray & bless Jerusalem (God's ancient people) Shalom!
Roger from Singapore
I read the corrie ten boom book many years when i first became a christian. It is inspiring to learn of such bravery at the risk of their own lives. God bless everyone who has the courage to stand up for what is right. Thank you for the virtual tour. It brings the story to life. Thank you for all you do for Gods chosen people. God will someday say "Well done my good and faithful servant". God bless you.
joann from United States
I have read "The Hiding Place" a couple of times but recently read "In My Fathers House" for the first time. What a blessing the Ten Boom family was. This book has inspired me as if I was one of the girls in Corries clubs. I can't wait to see Corrie and her family some day in heaven.
Karen from United States
There are simply no words to describe the Ten Boom's fearless stand for God's ultimate love for mankind. We will under-stand when we are at our eternal home with Abba Father and His Precious Son, Jesus Christ. Daniel, Joseph and many other true followers of Christ know this ultimate love of our Father. Corrie and Betsy's solid stand will be our guide for our future years when we find ourselves in similar situation. Praise God for the Ten Booms who showed us we are more than conquorers through Christ.
Adelina from United States
Thank you for setting up this website. It has really humbled me to know that there was a family on earth,once upon a time,with that much love,faith,and courage. It has opened up my eyes and I pray if the day comes for me to be a martyr that I too would have at least half the love,faith,and courage this family had. We are in historic times,with a lot of evil in it,and I pray to God that there will be a lot more families ready and willing to serve God like this family did. God bless everyone in these hard times of need.
michael from United States
A most wonderful inspiring gift from God is Corrie Ten Boom and her family. God Bless you all xxxxxx
Lizzy from United Kingdom
Corrie has always been an inspiration to me since reading her story as a teenager. I believe we should still be praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
Nancy from United States
ANA from argentina