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I stumbled upon this web site as I was researching to write a play about Corrie ten Boom. Thank you!
Sherry from United States
May God bless the people of Israel and may they learn to know Jesus as their personal saviour. May there be peace in Jerusalem. Amen
Audrey from Canada
Just finished reading "The Watchmaker's Daughter" by Jean Watson with my 9 year old daughter and have spent some time looking at certain elements of what Corrie and her family experienced before, during and after WWII. What a testimony to this young generation. Thank you for keeping the Ten Boom story alive and their message of peace, forgiveness and hope in Jesus at the forefront!
Lara from United States
How its amazing that love could still flow in that terrible place. God is so amazing !!
Michel from Canada
Wonderful tour, and moving story of this family and all they did for the Lord Jesus. I hope that given the same circumstances I would have the fortitude to do the same. I have shared your web site with my Face Book and Twitter contacts. I hope many more will come, learn, and or be reminded. May the Lord bless your ministry here.
Lynna from United States
i remember hearing corrie talk once i was very young i have her book the hiding place..ty so much for sharing this bout her and her family..i am praying all the time for the peace of jeruselem..PTL i know God is at work even in these very evil times He is victor....God bless
jane from laporte
Thank you so much for keeping the Ten Boom family stories alive. They are all so inspiring, and challege me to be a better person tomorrow than I am today. God bless you.
Shelley from United States
The ten Booms' lives are an inspiration to us. They were, and still are, beautiful examples of Jesus' love to His people and to all who are grafted in. As we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we pray for the returning of Christ our Savior. Their story is timeless. As the world gets more prepared for the lawless one to arrive on sceen, we believers need to be about our Father's business. Know your Bible and pray.
Rick from United States
Appreciated very much viewing the Ten Boom Presentation.. As pastor of My Fathers House in Newport New Hampshire We daily pray for our Jewish brethren and the nation of Israel. You can count on us as part of the great prayer team God has established.. Yes, we will meet the Boom family someday soon in the presence of our Lord Up in Glory.. My desire is to fan the fires of the Holy Ghost within that we may fulfill our God given calling of dethroning the enemy that is even working in our own nation today ..May all praise go to Him...Thank you Pastor Curt Jensen
curt from United States
Thank you for keeping the legacy of Corrie ten Boom alive. She came to our Fellowship in Chicago, IL around 1976/77. I will never forget when she came, we had an opportunity to speak with her. I had a list rolled up like a scroll, and she pushed it away, saying, "Put that away. Someday your life will be just like mine." I did not know what she meant then, but I certainly do now. I have been a "Tramp for The Lord" in more than 10 countries, and totally by complete faith! The 1040 window has made life, close to the same lifestyle Miss ten Boom had. Does she have any surviving relatives? I could not find much info, when I lived in the Netherlands for 6 months. I will NEVER forget her, her family, and their dedication to God and many others!
Sister from United States
I'm a seventeen year old christian just beginning to understand history, especially the history of the Jewish people. I believe the Ten Boom family to be a near perfect example of what all Christian families should be. I also believe that God is calling Christian families to stand with the Jewish people once again. My family is standing, and will continue to stand, even until certain death. Thank you!
Dallin from United States
My grandfather immigrated from Holland in 1913. My mother's family is also from Holland though they immigrated much sooner. They were able to shelter Austrian children during WWI. Thank you for sharing the story of this incredible family. I am honored to be a part of the Dutch people and admire and aspire to the legacy that this family left for us all.
Susan from United States
In everything I will give thee thanks....
Laurel from Canada
What a Beautiful tour,i never heard about this before what happened .We need to stand with the Jews,and like in the house pray together so wonderful.Just enjoyed the testimony in the tour of how many times there was darkness times,human despair hopelessness,yet the LORD almighty GOSPEL shining deeply into the darkness there,even years later people coming to Jesus and asking forgiveness.In today's world we need to stop preferring to living in denial,and make a bigger U turn for Jesus. Blessings to the Museum and Peace to Jerusalem. Its all about LOVE.
Peter from UAE
My prayer would be that I could be as brave strong and faithfull as Corrie and her family I belong to Christians for Israel..for I am an adopted child of God and Israel are his chosen people ...I pray for the safety of Israel and wait for my Lords return
Thank you for restoring the house of the Ten Boom Family so that our generation and future generations will know the work of God through His chosen people. Thank you for opening the door for us to see and to feel the Presence of Jesus. And thank you for making it possible for Mike to meet with so many people throughout his lifetime so that he opened his heart to Jesus! Thank you to the Ten Bloom family for trusting in God to the very end!
Daphne from United States
I am pleased to be here among you who love the Tenboom sisters and their family as I do too. About Betsy's faith and the miracles ensued has been the greatest story I've ever read. I have reflected, been comforted and encouraged by it for many years, and will continue always to draw upon it. Praise the Christ, believe throug, "thick and thin". God will provide for us as he did for them.
katherine from Jackson
Praise God for Israel.
Jerry from Canada
We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the Ten Boom family
Walter from Indiana
We visit the Ten Boomhouse earlier this year. The tour trough the house of the family ten Boom is very well done! We love God's people who are indeed the apple of God's eye, the jews. We pray for them every day and we bless them for God tells us to do so in the Bible! God bless Isra?l and we pray for peace to Jerusalem!
Janny from Holland
Father God in the name of Jesus I stand in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and the protection of the apple of your eye-the Jewish people. Amen
Susan from United States
I believe that we are seeing in our generation the two lampstands come together. May the Lord protect us. May he grant favor to Jacob. May the seed of Abraham flourish. May the Lord restore the tabernacle of David and bring to us very soon the Messiah. Amen
Liana from United States
It is interesting the after 40 years I am being led to reconnect with Miss ten Boom, her work and life. I did hear her speak in 1974 when I lived in Illinois. Our Lord also has me praying for Israel, which, I just learned from your site, was what her family did for 100 years. Truly amazing & inspiring. I am an intercessory prayer warrior, so if there are specific things that need prayer please send me them via email & I will add them to my list. By His love & grace, Felicia Music
What a wonderful site thank you and many blessings. The hiding Place is one of my favorite books along with a movie that I saw about her life and all that she did. Such a blessing. Thank you again.
Tonya from United States
God bless you Mike Evans for this work and this exposition in Jesus name. God bless the Ten Boom family for all of their sacrifices.Peace to Jerusalem. . God bless you and God bless Israel
ifeoma from nigeria
The Ten Boom Museum Tour was excellent. Thank you for putting this together. I will share this with others and will pray for the Jews, for their salvation and for the gathering of both Jews and Gentile Christians in union with Christ.
Ardys from United States
Dear Lord, please lead the whole world to this place, and help us to learn to love.
Catherine from United States
I cannot begin to express the level of impact Corrie Ten Boom's testimony and writings and wisdom has affected my life and walk with Jesus. Thank you for providing the opportunity to communicate and the opportunity for a virtual tour and also for the ability to partner in prayer. God bless you so very much!
Cathi from United States
I've been so inspired by Corrie's book, "The Hiding Place". Especially the part where she asks her father a difficult question (when she is young) and he asks her to pick up his suitcase and she can't because it's too heavy. His words about allowing him to carry the knowledge for her because it's too heavy (at the time) is something I've used with my own child. The story of Betsie's death in the camp and how Corrie was able to see her transformed even in death will stick with me until I leave this world and go home. God is so good. The Ten Booms have taught me so much about God's Love and how no place is too dark for His Light to penetrate. I love how in "The Hiding Place" Corrie shared the good, the bad and most especially the "real" feelings she felt during her life. The fact that she did and then how she turned the not so "perfect" things over to the Lord is such a great example to follow. I've asked the Lord, when I come Home, if I can meet them. I just want to tell them "thank you".
Jennifer from United States
I have read many of Corrie's books and have always wanted to visit her home. I'm glad I was able to see it first hand here on the internet. Corrie and her family are gaints in the faith and I know they are reaping a great reward in heaven today.
Lori from United States
My prayer will continually be for Israel and her people. May Jerusalem be forever and soon be united physically with the Heavenly Jerusalem. I love the Jewish people. They remain Gods chosen people. As a Christian I agree with Corrie Ten Boom words, how can you love Jesus without loving the Jews? Jesus Christ the son of God was born from a Jewish virgin. A divine conception. This takes faith to believe so ask the Holy Spirit to reveal this truth to you. I pray Shalom forever to Israel and Jerusalem. May the Angels of the Most High protect your borders and land and all the descendents of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob forever. Shalom
Susan from United States
Thank you for keeping Corrie and her family alive. I understand a bit more about the mustard seed. God can do so much if I just give him a little. I am thank flu for His desire to give me more than i could ever ask or think. Corrie said just realizing she just needed to hold out her hand for forgiveness and God did the amazing. Praise to Him who never gives up on us.
patricia from United States
Es un gran ejemplo y testimonio el que la familia Ten Boom ha dejado a todos. En especial a los cristianos, porque en realidad si marcaron la diferencia como cristianos. Se negaron a si mismos y tomaron la cruz de Cristo, algo que ya nadie quiere hacer en estos tiempos. Que El Se�or nos ayude a seguir su ejemplo y a vivir como realmente quiere El que vivamos!!
Tania from El
Thank you for this stunning tour of the Ten Boom Museum, which made the story of the Tem Boom Family come to life for me. I am praying for the peace and safety of the Jews even now, as her Israeli citizens in the Gaza strip are under attack by Syria in these past few days. May God keep His loving Hand over these blessed people and allow no weapon formed against Israel to prosper; and will also keep your ministry in my prayers. Thanks again for posting this museum tour!
Aileen from United States
Thank you for sharing with us your story and i stand with Israel
Juan from United States
I have been blessed by the life of this family I thank God
William from United States
Your doing well with the plan of the ministry everythings are organize , I pray Elohim YOHOVAH bless you and keep me update with your programs and my request to you to send for me some reading Books thank you .
Hearing Ms. Corrie Tenboom's testimony at the Target Center in MN, years ago touched me in a way that never happened before. I thought if Corrie can forgive those who were mean to her and had raped her sister Besty their in that awful prison then I want to accept Jesus to so I would be able to forgive l
Thank you for the virtual tour and for sharing this wonderful message of GOD'S unfailing love, grace, faithfulness and the power of forgiveness. I thank God for leading me to your website and reminding me to love. GOD bless the work of the Jerusalem Prayer Team. Thank you.
Nathalie from Canada
Thank you for the wonderful and touching tour. The Ten Boom family are real messengers who were sent by God to help us learn to forgive. God Bless
Anne from Canada
Heelo, i'm from Brazil, and i'm reading the book "A Tramp for the Lord" and I'm loving! Wonderfull history!! 😀 God bless you! Ol�a, estou lendo o livro "Andarilha para o Senhor" e estou amando! Maravilhosa a hist�ria da Corrie e sua irm� Betsie!!
Bianca from Brazil
The world needs more ten Boom families to stand for Israel and the Jewish people today. God bless Israel! Long and peacefully may she prosper!
Valerie from United States
Amazing storie!! Thank You! Thank You! for putting this virtual tour together for all to see! Corrie Boom's story has and will ignite and inspire peoples Faith and Forgivness across the globe!! What a privalege it is to be a christian and be a child of God ! Praise the Lord forever and ever !!
Ruth from United States
I had not heard this story before and was lead to it by watching a Glenn Beck show. What a moving story on the power of God to give us the strength to overcome the most evil acts and be able to forgive and love. I wish I could have known Corrie and I'm sure she is now with God and her family;they have showed us that faith in God can produce such great acts of human kindness, sacrifice and love.
Joe from United States
Blessings on the te Boom family who gave their lives for the Jewish people and for thosee who continue to share this message. My prayers are for the Jewish people. God used them to write down God's Word for the world to know about our wonderful Lord and Savior. Beverly J Colby
Beverly from United States
I just wnted to say how mUch I enjoyed touring the museam online . as I read the hiding place I can visualize the home.
annette from Canada
Estarei orando. Estou relendo o livro ref�gio secreto. Deus aben�oe voc�s.
Cassia from Brazil
gracias por ayudarnos aver la perpesctiva de Dios atravez del sufrimiento deperosnas como la famiali Ten Boon y su �lan maravilloso en las naciones
olga from Colombia
Corrie has been my guiding light ever since the first year i became a Christian after seeing the Hiding Place.I have always wished i could be just like her.God bless her life and work which still goes on now that she is gone
Pat from United States
I pray for Israel every day...Thank you for what you have done to bring this great story to the world.
Jean from United States