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I wish and pray that more people and families would find the faith that the Tenboom family has.The world now more than ever needs to look to God's love and mercy.
steve from United States
Thank you for sharing the story of the wonderful Ten Boom family. We must never forget.
Kimberly from United States
I got to meet Corrie as a young teenager in Denver Colorado in the 70's. Her testamony and the message she carried still effects me today.
Steve from United States
What an inspiring and blessed testimony of faith. Oh that each one of us were to have the love of God in our hearts, not only for the Jewish people, but for one another as well.
It is our honor to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! I am truely Blessed being here!
CAROL from United States
It is difficult to put into words what "tanta" Corrie has come to mean to me. I am very humbled and grateful to have found this website and resource through the Lord Jesus leading today. I can only pray that like so many would say that when they talked with or listened to Corrie Ten Boom; they not only met her but more importantly Corrie's Christ - my prayer and fervent hope is before I go to meet Jesus people will meet Christ out of the same manner and Spirit. I thank the Lord for continuing to prosper her memory, ministry and her family's faith legacy. In Jesus I trust.
Barbara from United States
I have been touched by this book telling of the life of the Ten Boom family. I feel like I know them all. I only hope that my faith would be as strong as theirs when put through such terrible events. They had such courage and love for all people. Their Lives are an example for us to live by. I agree with you in prayer for the peace of Israel.
Bevely from United States
H� muitos anos, na minha juventude li este maravilhoso e inspirador livro...fez diferen�a na minha vida. Ainda hoje tenho um exemplar em minha biblioteca....� um livro muito conhecido nos meios crist�os. Em minha fam�lia...minha av� materna j� nos ensinava orar pela Paz de Israel...continuamos esta tradi��o at� aos dias de hoje. Deus aben�oe Jerusalem/Israel! SHALOM!!!
Mar from Brazil
We LOVED our visit to the ten Boom Museum several years ago! Thank you for honoring this amazing family and pointing people to their great God. We hope to visit again but this cyber visit is a blessing.
Kathi from United States
May God bless the message of this family. Their love for the Jewish people cost most of them their lives.
Susie from United States
I loved this so very much, thank you for making this available to anyone and everyone.
Kelsie from United States
Thank you. What a marvelous testament to the work God can do through the Holy Spirit, in a truly repentant, saved and willing heart. Please God, ignite in us, forgiveness and the desire to share Your Truth. MARANATHA!
Penelope from United States
My heart is stirred and I am thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ who stand for the Jewish people. Me and my family will faithfully pray along with you for the peace of Jerusalom.
Steve from United States
"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26)
Maritza from United States
Beautiful message! I pray for blessings on all who are persecuted, and forgiveness for those who persecute. Praying for peace in Jerusalem.
Judy from United States
I was so moved by the lives of the ten Boom family.I will pray that peace will be restored to the Jewish people.
joy from United States
Corrie Ten Boom was an amazing lady. Thank you for the tour and may God bless Jerusalem. Please pray for them.
Donna from United States
As a young girl I read The Hiding Place. It changed my life. Thank you for this wonderful site. I will stand with Israel. May God Bless us all.
Sandy from United States
As an abused and tortured girl and woman, I often looked for the best place to hide. My goal was always to find a better hiding place. I shared this with a friend, and she brought me a gift "The Hiding Place". It was my first step towards a new life in Jesus Christ. Corrie has always been the woman I look to for guidance in my walk with the Lord. Thank you Mike and all others who made it possible to visit Corrie's home. What a wonderful gift. I will cherish it always. "You are my hiding place, you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever I am afraid - I will trust in You..." Shalom beloved Corrie and family♥
Sunny from United States
I really enjoyed hearing and reading about the ten boom familly. its very inspiring story. on how they saved the jews live risking the own lieves. it just beautiful
annette from Canada
What a joy it is to know that thru this family many Jewish lives were saved and later many have come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. I was so touched by the movie and I so enjoyed the virtual tour of the museum. I thank the Lord for putting this vision in your heart Dr. Evans and that many lives will be bless by the Ten Boom's testimony of love and forgiveness.
Nora from United States
May God continue to bles all Jews and gentiles
graham from United Kingdom
I became acquainted with Corrie as a new baby Christian in 1990 when I stumbled across an old paperback book at a used Christian book sale called, "Tramp For The Lord'. With my 'dark' background, I wondered why any book would have that title! As I opened the pages, I fell in love with Corrie Ten Boom! Even to this day, Corrie's life, as revealed through the book, has provided for me an example of how I want to live my life for Jesus. I have read several more of her books over these past three decades and while I never 'knew' Corrie...I will 'know' her eternally and thank my God for her! I am now the founder of a non-profit women's ministry that provides Christian mentoring for women incarcerated, and I actually tell them about my mentor...Miss Corrie Ten Boom!
Pam from United States
What a wonderful and inspiring journey of God is with us and will empower us to do great things, accomplish what we are called to do and to finish our race of faith.
Inge from Australia
What a wonderful virtual tour you have provided...I found it very well put together and very moving.....Thank you for the inspiration.
susan from Canada
The story of Corrie and her family changed the way think about life.
geri from United States
What a wonderful, awesome tour. I was so blessed and touched by the Holy Spirit of God.It has renewed my love and desire to pray for God's people, Israel.
Terrie from United States
It was a both a pleasure and a honour to visit this website and take the virtual tour of the Ten Boom museum. What an amazing place? Corrie Ten Boom has been an inspiration to me for many years and has helped me in my walk with Jesus. I still have a lot to learn but I know God will guide me all the way because He is a lamp to my feet and a light to my way. Praise God for the the incredible strong faith the Ten Boom family had and their obedience to God. One day we would like to go to visit the Ten Boom Museum in person. Cathy Woods and Joshua Woods Uk
Cathy from United Kingdom
After I saw the video,, I was thinking of all the times we have heard about the times coming when the persecution is coming to Christians, that judgement begins at the house of God,, you like to think no me,, not in my life time,, well no one knows then this will happen But the Lord himself,, and the flesh really like to not think of getting beaten and all that happen to the ten Boom family happening to me,, but Corrie and her family had to go through it,, the Lord Jesus was beaten,, so who I am to think I am any better then my Lord and Savior, or this loving family,,who loved ,, no one,,,
Loretta from United States
May we never forget what happened to Corrie TenBoom and her family and especially all of the Jewish people. May GOD bless those people who keep this museum and its story going.
Eddy from United States
God be with us all as we pray for peace, not only for the our Jewish friends and families worldwide, but for the whole entire planet to have peace in abundance!
Tammy from United States
Our classroom just took a virtual field trip to your museum in class! Thank you for making this fascinating website. We learned so much. Corrie and her family were such brave people. Thank You! Miss Mallory & the 7/8 girls from St. Vincent de Paul Academy
Thank you for this fantastic website and ministry. It's truly a joy to see the Lord's prophecy given to Betsey and Corrie, become a miraculous reality. Also, that the plans of the Lord can not ever be thwarted no matter how dark it might seem.
Joanne from United States
September 2011 This story has made a huge impact on my heart. Thank you Corrie, Betsy, Casper, Willem, Nollie and Peter....and all the rest for having courage to live out what you believe! Thank you Jesus!
Elizabeth from United States
Thank you for this site!
Sydna from United States
I just read her biography for a book report, and it was amazing! I wish there was more to read. God bless their family!
Anna from United States
Blessings to Jerusalem.
Debby from United States
corrie was a great insp
diana from unite
Thank you Lord for this blessing!!
Carlene from United States
I learned about Corrie ten Boom and her family in the mid 70's. I fell instantly in love with them and anyone who loved the Lord so much that they would put themselves in harm's way to protect the lives of others being hunted down for slaughter or any other evil reason. The message of forgiveness is the most powerful I've ever heard. I'm glad I came here to take this tour. God bless you in your work of keeping HIS work through the ten Booms alive.
Bonnie from United States
Now, more than ever is the time to not only show solidarity with the Jewish people, but to go to whatever lengths possible to protect them. Thanking God that He provides inspirational examples such as Corrie Ten Boom to encourage us all.
Amber from United States
This has honestly just changed my perspective and knowledge about a lot of things. My english class in middle school has been studying the holocaust for a few months now. This has grabbed my attention and I have quite an interest and care for what has happened. This has made me a very thankful and appreciative person. The story of the Ten Boom family has made an impact on my life, most definitely. The courage, braveness, kindness and how humble Corrie ten Boom definitely shows me and anyone that the love of God is so strong and to always forgive. I just think this was very moving and makes a big impact on anyone and has a very important role in history. Thank you.
Lexie from United States
Good post Hun. Those are some nice chairs. Getting past the fear and sonvilg problems is key. Doing something once, even if you mess up, helps you learn how to improve and correct problems you encountered on your first go. Each one of my chairs was not only eaiser but better made and crafted. Same applies to most things I would think.
Pushpendra from VXolYzQkc
Lord, help us to put our faith in you alone, to stay aware and pray for Jerusalem and for our brothers who suffer for their faith;to not let our weakness bind us and to figth for the justice like the Ten Boom family with your Great Love. Amen
Francoise from Belgique
Corrie Ten Boom's writings have been an inspiration to me. Thank you!
Venita from United States
What a wonderful family they were. My family was tragically ripped apart as well by World War II. My family is from Germany and I lost my grandfather during the war. He blindly went into the "SS" in the mid thirties thinking they were some thing other then what they were. When he found out just what they were all about, he got out but it was too late. They made sure he went to "the front" during the war so he was killed. The devastation that one man did to that country and millions of people is horrific but forgivness is so much more powerful isn't it? What an inspiration Corrie was and I am sure, still is in heaven.
does god truly forgive all sins? i hope so
charlotte from United Kingdom
I pray that all of Israel may come to the full knowledge of "Yeshua' thereby making one body of Christ comprising of gentiles and Jews. I am thankful to yehovah for choosing Abraham in the first place to make tribes and nations that would belong to him and for His Glory... May Yehovah be praised in the name of Yeshua.
Francis from India
That's a well-thought-out answer to a challenging qusteion
Daiane from eyfviqEGH
Peace and blessings to you and your family