may the Lord our God and saviour watch over jerusalem and isreal bringing hope
courage and joy to them. may he prosper them in abundance in all things. my hope is that they
will also be in good health even as the word says as their soul prospers. may the eyes of their
understanding be opened and their ears be unstopped that they may see and hear all that the
father God has for them and also begin to believe in their true saviour within their hearts as
the spirit leads. my prayers daily for isreal are not only for the land n it’s people but also
for their widows and orphans. i believe the word says we r to comfort and give whatever kind of
support that they r in need of. my prayers r also with other parts of the western world where
they have been locked in a spiritual prison n seems unable to do much about it. we all need to
join in prayer for all the people from all around the world in agreement for deliverance of
this evil spiritual lockup where these folks don’t seem to be able to live their christian walk
let us all join together in prayer for america’s safety and for their hearts to love the truth
and begin to show respect for God and country before the Lord decides judgement is not only
coming but also we will be part of it. amen