There are no words big enough or good enough to describe the heroism of the ten Boom family. The harm they suffered after doing so much good is unbelievable. It’s hard to understand God’s plan many times when it seemed the sky was falling as it did in Holland during WWII. God bless the ten Booms who were willing to save Jews at the cost of their own lives. And God bless Corrie for taking the stories of what God did in front of her very eyes while she was being held in a horrific death camp in Germany. If her books and movie do not leave you in awe of her faith in the Lord and her trust in Him, I don’t know what it would take. Her stories makes one want to be just like her with THAT kind of trust in God. She teaches (in my opinion) to just step out in faith, in trust and follow Him. And He will show you what He needs.
Elaine Woodford
by | Jun 27, 2019