Thank you for such 3D quality of viewing. With the message of God’s Love as expressed
in Life and Grace that came from the Lord Jesus Christ thru the person of Corrie ten Boom.
Being a christian since August of 1973. My life was very much infulence by the books of Corrie
ten Boom and of course the film of the ‘Hiding Place’.
As I watch this
Virtual Tour and heard the true words of the narrator. I could not help but get on my knees
next to my bed and just cried my heart out to God in utter thankfulness for what HE did for me
in keeping my heart intuned to His Love, in regards to this christian life and works. I wanted
more to be closer to Jesus Christ.
I want to suffer more into the suffering
of those less fortunate then myself.
Thank you for this excellence piece. I
think you really should receive a reward for this web site.
Bye for Now,
Yes on my father side they came from a Jewish family from Czech
Republic in the 1830’s to the USA.